121: Lucas Cullen, founder of Struggle Creates Strength, on dark times, pushing outside one's comfort zone ad figuring out one's purpose

Episode 121 July 16, 2021 01:10:09
121: Lucas Cullen, founder of Struggle Creates Strength, on dark times, pushing outside one's comfort zone ad figuring out one's purpose
Humanitou: Exploring Humanness + Creativity
121: Lucas Cullen, founder of Struggle Creates Strength, on dark times, pushing outside one's comfort zone ad figuring out one's purpose

Jul 16 2021 | 01:10:09


Show Notes

Lucas Cullen is the founder of Struggle Creates Strength, a mental health advocacy organization based in British Columbia, Canada. He’s also a podcaster, a traveler and a former semi-pro hockey player. In this conversation, Lucas and I talk about the power of story, of sharing our stories vulnerably and courageously and even publicly, so that they can help others. He shares his own story of mental health struggles as a teen and young adult coming up in the hyper-masculine culture of competitive ice hockey. We talk about the rocky and sometimes dark road that ultimately led Lucas to launch Struggle Creates Strength. We also talk about joy and life purpose. Among other things. More at humanitou.com.


Humanitou is created, produced and hosted by Adam Williams.

Show notes and transcript of this episode at https://humanitou.com/lucas-cullen/.

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